The spine is often underestimated for its complexity, yet it is responsible for over half of the patients we see here in clinic at Sports Physio UK.
Weekly CPD
Often therapists in the NHS and private practice do not partake in any CPD, which according to our regulator is unacceptable and does not meet minimum standards.Here at Sports Physio UK we have a structured CPD programme which we provide for all our therapists to facilitate and support their ongoing learning & development.
Ice Breaker
Each session starts with a light hearted ice breaker. This week, the therapists were randomly assigned a topic which they had to present on the spot for 60 seconds. Topics included bananas, teeth, camels and China - it's surprising where these topics lead in only 60 seconds.
Spinal CPD
During the CPD session, we covered the anatomy & palpation of the spine and it's musculature. We also covered neurodynamics, and differential diagnosis of various spinal conditions.Our therapists utilised a shared learning approach to develop their skills in differential diagnosis. This is their ability to distinguish between a disc prolapse, facet joint dysfunction, hyper/hypomobility, muscular imbalance, neural tethering, and referred visceral symptoms.
Related Article: What is Sciatica
Clinical Practice
As specialists in the human body, we have the skills to accurately diagnose and effectively treat aches, pains and ailments. We feel sharing our CPD experiences helps demonstrate our commitment to ongoing learning & development of our team.

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